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3 Business Gift Ideas for Staff

The year is almost over and we are sure businesses like yours are starting to look for corporate gifts which will show your appreciation for your staff’s hard work. These gifts should be thoughtful and unique so your employees will even be more inspired and motivated.If you are out of ideas even with the many great products to choose from, here are some suggestions:

Printed Wine: these bottled wines certainly convey your message of appreciation without much effort and a lot of employees find them really great business gifts.

Branded Travel Accessories: if you are planning on rewarding your top employees with additional vacation days, you might want to complement such reward with practical travel accessories. These items will certainly encourage them to spend quality time with their families in a great vacation place.

Custom Mugs – although these have always been around, they never get old. You might want to add a personal touch by adding a bag of premium coffee or a selection of delicious tea bags. Even bags of chocolates or lollies will make these mugs a lot more special.

ACE offers a great collection of best value promo merchandise to choose from. We remain to be the top branded products experts for our continued dedication in providing 100% customer satisfaction.

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